Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Good Tools with Multiple Uses

      No I know that I have talked about choosing prepping items with multiple uses in previous posts, however I feel so strongly about it that I decided to dedicate an entire post to multi-tools. Also note that by googling survival multi-tools you will be able to find most of these various tools I will go over. Amazon and eBay are where I have purchased a few of mine.
      Most of you are probably familiar with the traditional multi-tools (as below), however I am happy to say that there are plenty of people out there that love multi use items as much as I do, because almost every month you can find a newly designed multi-tool.

      Several of these newly designed tools are on my holiday shopping list. I mean why transport a toolbox around in a SHTF scenario when you can literally have two or three multi-tools? The answer I have to that is "only fools carry more than they need."
      I am a personal fan of the above multi-tool, as it is an improved version of the military trench digging tool that I am already familiar with. This would be a great tool to keep in your bug out bag/vehicle. Besides the axe, saw and pick attachments the shovel attachment can also be used as not just a digging tool but also a cooking surface.
      Crowbar, hammer, tomahawk. Need I say more?
      Now I love this little tool. It is a multi-tool that fits right in your wallet. I found this baby on Amazon, and I fell in love. Mine should be arriving any day now.

      Not all multi-tools are handyman tools or weapons, some like the one above is a wonderful tool to having power and light,as well as receiving information. I really like that it is powered by both solar power and crank power.
       Now the two multi-tools below are the ones that I carry on my person all the time right now. The wallet multi-tool was a gift from my wonderful wife, and the other I clip to my belt loop, and is also a self given gift after my deployment. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Self Defense Training

           I have posted about building a prepper armory, and protecting your home and property, but now I am wanting to talk about self defense training. I think that it is very important to get basic training in, at least one martial art, this is so that we can be even better prepared for a SHTF scenario. Since we never really know what struggles we will face, the better trained and skilled we make ourselves the higher the chances of survival.
          My wife and I have both trained in a variety of martial arts styles, and I am sure have shocked our neighbors with our sparing and combat training that we do with one another in our yard. We train for the worst case scenario, because if we are a formidable force prepared for the worst case scenario, how much more formidable will we be in only mild SHTF scenarios? Also, think for a moment that if you had to engage an enemy that only had firearms with little to no training or a well trained unit of skilled combatants that also happen to be armed and trained in those weapon systems, which would you rather face?

         Some examples of the combat styles that my wife and I have trained in are:
Wing Chun
Jujitsu/Military Combatives
Kung Fu

         We are also currently looking into Krav Maga, favoring the knife fighting experience that it offers.
          From the above list of styles that we have worked with, the ones that I would recommend most for a prepper/survivalist would be Wing Chun, Jujitsu, and Ninjutsu. I recommend these as they help make a well trained tactical specialist with a rounded education covering a variety of situations.

 Wing Chun- The great thing about this style is that it is very simple and effective. It does not require one to be in the peak of physical perfection, and within a short time you are proficient enough to be considered a formidable hand to hand combatant. It focuses on not allowing yourself to be taken to the ground and immobilizing your enemy. This also happens to be my wife's favorite style.

Jujitsu- Is the combat style that most branches of the U.S. armed forces have at least rudimentary training in. It has a focus on grappling, and combat once it has been forced to the ground. Even though we never want to let ourselves be taken to the ground in a fight, you do not want to be helpless if it ever happens.

Ninjutsu- The training you receive in this art form contains techniques used by armed forces and espionge agents around the world. It trains in stealth, and misdirection. These are skills that are not only used for combat, but can be used for scouting, hunting, hiding, and evasion. Become invisible and you can have a freedom of movement in a SHTF environment.

            These are not the only styles that offer you these training option, however they are the ones that I have personally experienced success with. And by all means, don't limit your training here, in my opinion you can never receive too much martial arts training.
             I would like to advise that when you study a martial arts style, try to get a friend to take it with you, as it is harder to fall out of the habit of attending classes and slack on your training if you are alone. If you have no friends who are interested, then make a work out friend from someone from your class to help keep each other motivated.
             And ladies, take classes too, some of the best martial artists that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and competing against have been female.

           To both men and women, just as the image at the top of this post says, don't be a victim. If someone trys to hurt you and/or your family then open the flood gates of pain against them!

Stay prepared, stay safe!